Sažetak (hrvatski) | Razvojni projekti Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice (NSK) usmjereni su prema izgradnji infrastrukture
u području kulturne i znanstvene baštine te izradi novih digitalnih proizvoda, što najvećoj hrvatskoj
knjižnici osigurava mjesto inovativnoga predvodnika digitalnih knjižnica u RH, usmjeravajući je
prema uspostavi Hrvatske digitalne knjižnice. Nacionalne knjižnice imaju zadaću očuvanja pisane
baštine, a ta se zadaća u punoj mjeri ostvaruje tek ako je baština dostupna za čitanje i kreativno
korištenje. NSK, vođena motom „Prenosimo ideje kroz vrijeme“, zadaće središnje hrvatske knjižnice
ostvaruje kontinuitetom u razvoju i prilagodbom novom tehnološkom okruženju. Zakonske odredbe
koje reguliraju područje knjižnica i knjižničarstva u RH također prate i usmjeravaju knjižnice prema
promjenama, a uloga NSK kao matične knjižnice knjižničnog sustava RH nedvojbeno je ključna u
provedbi takvih inovacija. Uz prihvat rastućih digitalnih sadržaja (e-knjiga, mrežne stranice,
e-serijske publikacije, društvene mreže i dr.), NSK i sama provodi digitalizaciju građe iz domovine i
iseljeništva kako bi zapisane, otisnute, objavljene i na drugi način zabilježene ideje hrvatskih autora
lakše ostvarile put do suvremenih korisnika. |
Sažetak (engleski) | National libraries have the task of preserving the national written heritage and this
task is only fully realised if the heritage is made available to researchers, students
and the public for reading, research, learning, entertainment and creative use. The
National and University Library of Zagreb (NSK), guided by the slogan “Transferring
ideas through time”, fulfils the tasks of the central Croatian library through continuity in
development and continuous agile adaptation to the new technological environment. The legal
provisions regulating the field of libraries and librarianship in Croatia also monitor and guide
the libraries towards the necessary changes in a timely manner, and the role of the NSK as the
mother library of the Croatian library system is certainly crucial in the implementation and
coordination of such development steps. In addition to adopting new digital content (e-books,
websites, e-series publications, social networks, etc.), the NSK itself is digitising material from
the homeland and emigrant communities for recording, printing, publishing, etc. the ideas
recorded in the past by Croatian authors have found their way more easily to modern users,
including those of Croatian roots and their friends on distant meridians. NSK’s development
projects are also focused on the development of national infrastructure in the field of cultural
and scientific heritage and the creation of new digital products which ensures the position of
Croatia’s largest library as an innovative leader in the development of digital libraries in Croatia
pointing towards the establishment of the Croatian Digital Library. Further impetus for
cooperation on digitisation of material with libraries and other heritage institutions has been
provided by the project “e-Culture: Digitisation of Cultural Heritage”, implemented by the
Ministry of Culture and Media (2019 - 2023) under the Operational Programme Competitiveness
and Cohesion. Among the new projects of the NSK, it is worth highlighting the establishment of
the digital collection “Word Time Machine - Digital Archive of Croatian Literature” in 2023 as
a space for publishing videos of Croatian writers reading and commenting on their literary
works. |